A Beth Moore nine session DVD series is a topical study of Inheritance throughout God's Word. Each session is approximately one hour in length. Key verse: Psalm 16:5-6 "The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance"
You have an opportunity to take this during the morning or evening.
1. Thursdays starting October 22nd 6:45 PM-8:30PM
Sherry Hanson's home 8397 West B., Otsego
2. Mondays starting October 26th 9:30AM-11:30AM
Otsego Public Library 401 Dix St., Otsego
The Inheritance Listening guide to go with the DVD study $5.oo---if you want........
(Please note this series does not have homework)
sign up-Ministry table, email npwministry@charter.net, or call Karin 269-692-2390