During this season of thankful reflection, I am pleased to focus in on the girlfriends God has given me. As a wife, as a new mom, as a woman seeking to please my Savior in all I say and do, I just love the women in my life. You see, there are things you can say to your girlfriends you would NEVER repeat to anyone else. I hear your “amen” out there.
In particular, how exciting when you find a friendship that moves beyond acquaintance to close companion to one you bear your soul to. While these kind of relationships take time and effort, I’m also discovering there is a great deal of divine intervention involved as well. God sees where we are mentally, emotionally and spiritually and He gives us Christian women to walk beside us. Maybe for a short time or sometimes, for a lifetime.
Please take a moment to reflect on those friendships you count as blessings. Thank God for His part in bringing you together. Call her, meet up with her or send her a note on Facebook! The miles between you and your friends don’t matter, the maker between you, however, is everything.
A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24