A New Hallelujah by Jamie Rogers

Today is a sunny April day in Michigan and so I sit in thankfulness that it is not snowing and that the sun is shinning!! That is the song I am singing. My heart is full and thankful for the sun today. Without to much thought what are you truly thankful for today? Did the Spirit impress something on your heart as you were listening to this song? What is the song that you are singing today? A song of thankfulness or maybe excitement or maybe even fear. Whatever song you have the Lord would rather hear it than have you keep it inside.
Lets dig into scripture and see what new song we can sing today.
Ps. 33:3
Sing to the Lord a ____ ____, play skillfully and shout for____.
The last part of this verse says shout for joy! We know God is worthy of our praise but lets check out a few reasons why. Look at Ps 33:4-5 and write down 3 reasons to shout for joy in your praise to God.
I love that he is faithful in all he does. That is the reason to Sing a New Song!!
Lets look together at a verse that is really on my heart as I am writing today
Heb 4:12
For the word of God is___and___. This is why we can look at his word daily and it applies to our lives. That's why we can be recharged by his word, because it's always at work. The spirit is always at work and we hear his voice through the word so it has to be alive and active. I feel very strongly that we are going to truly sing a new song , we have to realize he is at work in our lives all the time. That is a great reason to shout for joy!!
Lets look at one more verse Ps 98:1 and take a minute to write this one down.
What marvelous thing has God done in your life or what marvelous things is he doing right now? Lets end our day with a prayer to thank God for the work he is doing in our lives. If you are struggling to see his hand at work in your life right now lets pray this together.
Lord I know that you are at work right now and that you love me, but to be honest it is hard to see. I need a break through today, I need your guidance, and your wisdom. I know that even in the tough times you are working all things out for your plan. Lord I love you and I ask for more of you and less of me.
Thank you Jamie for giving me permission to publish this.
Please check our Jamie's blog at: http://thewordinworship.blogspot.com/